A to Z Blogging

R – Raconteur

This year at Brewing Coffee, Twisting Words & Breaking Pencils my theme is “this year I am writing a novel.” So, in light of that I decided to try and keep to the theme a bit with my A to Z topic. I decided on using writing words that start with each letter of the alphabet to create short posts.

R – Raconteur

His reputation as an anecdote teller proceeded him. He used all parts of his life to tell short amusing stories for no reason other than enjoyment. Now as he stood waiting to do a roll with the punches lecture he listened to the opening introduction being given for himself as the big raconteur. He smiled and prepared to tell the story of a young boy who wanted nothing more then to be a big bad security guard that stood silently in the shadows oozing intimidation. The story of a small boy who couldn’t stop talking if he tried. The story of a boy who learned to roll with the punches….

By Shari Marshall – April 2021 A to Z Challenge

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