A to Z Blogging

A – Z Blogging Challenge, Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles presents the Letter E for Ears

Children, at least mine, seem to have big ears at inconvenient times. It always amazes me how their ears work perfectly when it is something I don’t want them to hear. However, ask them to pick up their toys or come to the table for dinner and suddenly they can’t hear! My younger boy went… Continue reading A – Z Blogging Challenge, Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles presents the Letter E for Ears

A to Z Blogging

A – Z Blogging Challenge, Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles presents the Letter D for Diaper Cream

The two of them were so small. I remember thinking how hard could it be to watch two fast moving toddlers for a few hours? I watched the two of them run down the hall on tiny little legs, the best of friends since boy met girl at 8 months old. They rounded the corner… Continue reading A – Z Blogging Challenge, Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles presents the Letter D for Diaper Cream

Parenting & Other Life Stories

Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles

This is not how I would recommend starting a day, but it is how this particular morning began. The sleep was still heavy in my eyes, and I was moving sluggishly. My goal was to address the sound of feet stamping up and down repeatedly in the bathroom. However, when I flung open the bathroom… Continue reading Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles