A to Z Blogging

A – Author

This year at Brewing Coffee, Twisting Words & Breaking Pencils my theme is “this year I am writing a novel.” So, in light of that I decided to try and keep to the theme a bit with my A to Z topic. I decided on using writing words that start with each letter of the alphabet to create short posts.

A – Author

Who or what is an author? An author is someone fond of books, drawn to narrative, a word nerd, a tale teller, a picture painter, a chronicler, a story writer, a creator of a written work…

In a bubbling witch’s cauldron I imagine the author in me pouring the letters of the alphabet, some punctuation marks along with sparkles, fairy dust, moon glitter, sun beams, twinkling lights, rainbow colours, a pinch of snow, saw dust and a wart from a troll into a cauldron to boil, stir and cook. The author in me spins magic and cooks words giving the existence to literary art.

By Shari Marshall – April 2021 A to Z Challenge

10 thoughts on “A – Author

  1. Your A-Z April Challenge sounds like fun. I like how you are tying it to your theme. Enjoyed letter A’s post. Looking forward to reading about B’s adventure in the world of words. Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For sure! For me that would be something rusty and aged, a few pearls and clouds (white and fluffy as well as stormy ones). Thanks for stopping in and leaving your link, heading your way now!


  2. I always wondered if you have to be published to be an author. Of course if you are self published then would it be if someone buys your book? If you only publish on blogs like I do then are you still an author? I like to think so.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, if you look up the definition of author is says nothing about being published, it only says “a writer of a book article or report.” I have heard people make the distinction between being an author or a published author. Regardless, I think we are authors.


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